Select a property agent who is listed with the RERA; it's the appropriate decision. Our advisors are knowledgeable local market observers who closely monitor market trends. Our experts will carefully screen potential buyers, provide you wise counsel, and make every effort to sell your home as quickly as possible.


Once you are happy with the price that our sales consultant has recommended, we will begin preparing your home for marketing. In keeping with the adage "First impressions are lasting impressions," we will capture stunning images of your home that will set it apart from the competition. Our consultants will go out to our database to disseminate the word instead of waiting for the purchasers to give us a call.


We will schedule a showing of your home as soon as we have secured purchasers.


As soon as we get offers, we'll let you know. We will discuss the suggested offers with you and start any negotiations only with your permission.


Following final agreement on the price, we shall sign the sale purchase agreement and the required RERA paperwork.


The buyer is required to pay a deposit as a guarantee to finish the transaction within the term specified in the agreement once the seller and the buyer sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU). In the event that the buyer chooses home financing, the buyer's loan amount will be determined by the bank or finance firm after conducting a property study to guarantee the sale price is reasonable. In terms of the seller, the buyer's bank will settle the seller's mortgage only when the seller receives a responsibility letter from their bank. When applying for a "No Objection Certificate," the buyer and seller must meet at the developer's office (NOC). Once the developer has confirmed that all outstanding service charges have been paid, the NOC will be issued for a price. The buyer and seller will meet at one of the various registration trustee offices designated by the Dubai Land Department to formally transfer ownership when the developer issues the NOC. A manager's check is used to cover the purchase price. A new title deed in the buyer's name will be provided following the online completion of all procedures by the registration trustee.